Ruma 12 2017

Ruma 12 2017
First day!


Tuesday 28 February 2017

Our First Monarch Butterfly

It was exciting to be able to release our first monarch butterfly.The butterfly was enjoying its home in the shade house and didn't want to be released at first. Once it came out it headed straight up into the trees.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Ruma 12! Thrilled to hear of what you are doing down there in Stoke to help the monarch butterfly. The wasps have been particularly bad in that part of New Zealand this last summer. It's great to have heroes like you helping them.

    If you send me your address I will send your teacher our latest magazine - just hot off the press - and you will see there is a contest in there for kids (so get onto this quick smart!) and you might win some books for your classroom. My email is

    We would also love to have you tagging monarch butterflies, if you're interested. This is a cool science/IT experience, helps monarchs and also lets you learn more about your neighbourhood. We're having some really bad weather here at present but because you've got so many swan plants, I could send you some eggs as soon as the weather clears and Mrs Monarch starts laying again. But I'll need the best address to send them to.

    You know what to do, EMAIL ME please!!! Happy to answer questions (of course). And in the meantime, keep up the great work.

    Jacqui (aka Madam Butterfly)
